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G503 WWII Ford Willys Jeep Bolt List

This list originated from Claude Pon, this grid is enhanced, allowing you to sort by columns, and hold your mouse over the Highlighted Ref number will show a picture if available.

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IDFord RefGroupSubGroupUse/DestinationSizeThreadNC/NFLengthQtyHead typeSurfaceNut HexNut Stamped PalPlain Washer IDPlain Washer ODPlain Washer QtyLock Washer IDLock Washer ODLock Washer QtySourceComments
1FM-20027-S203 Fuel0301CAir Cleaner Brackets to dash - Ford : pointed bolt  516 24 NF  58 6Hex 6       6 w/ 3 lock wash. Int/ext tooth cad pltd
2FM-355253-S03 Fuel0301CAir cleaner on bracket  14 20 NC  34 4Wing screw     4    lockwashers are cad plated
3FM-20309-S703 Fuel0301CAir Cleaner Shield to Frame 14 28 NF  12 3Hex 3    3  3  
4FM-O1T-261612 Brakes1201Anchor Clip 516 18 NC 58 1Hex           
5FM-20349-S217 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1702Apron to Fender 38 24 NF  34 4Hex     4  4  int ext tooth cad pltd washers
6FM-20347-S217 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1702Apron to top of Frame 516 24 NF  34 1Hex     1  1  
7 18 Body Axe clamp, rear 14 20 NC  12 4flat head 90°           
8FM-36954-S706 Electrical0602Band on cranking motor#10 32 NF 12 1round head mach.screwcad plated    1  1  
9FM-GPW-517506 Electrical0610Battery hold down bolts 516 18 NC 9 2special 2    2  2 Wyllis:2 wing nuts, Ford: 2 hex nuts
206FM-24357-S215 Frame1500Battery Tray (GPW Only) 516 24 NF  1316 4Hex 4       4TM-1348 Hard to find ..TM-1348
10FM-355699-S211 Rear Axle1101Bearing Cap 12 13 NC 14 4Hex           
11FM-24409-S701 Engine0109CBellhousing to Bracket 38 24 NF 18 3Hexcad plated3       3  
12FM-24489-S01 Engine0109CBellhousing to Bracket at Hand Brake Clip 38 24 NF 58 1Hex           
13FM-24430-S01 Engine0109CBellhousing to Transmission 716 14 NC 14 4Hex 4       4  
14FM-20347-S721 Bumpers2103ABO Light Guard 516 24 NF  34 2Hexcad plated2       2  
15FM-20387-S721 Bumpers2103ABO Light Guard 516 24 NF 1 1Hexcad plated1       1  
16FM-24327-S706 Electrical0602Bracket to cranking motor 516 24 NF  58 1Hexcad plated    1  2 w/ 2 int/ext tooth + 1 int tooth, cad pltd
17FM-353352-S12 Brakes1203Brake shoe support, front, to steering knucle 38 24 NF  34 12Hex        12  
18FM-355578-S12 Brakes1203Brake shoe support, rear, to axle plate 38 24 NF  1316 12Hex 12       12 SNL doesn't mention lockwashers
19FM-24349-S221 Bumpers2101Bumperette to Frame  38 24 NF  34 8Hex 8       8 Length Unique to Ford - Willys use 5/8
20FM-20349-S201 Engine0106DChain Case Cover to Engine Plate 38 24 NF  34 3Hex 3       3  
21FM-350356-S201 Engine0106DChain Case Cover to Engine Plate (Ford only) 38 24 NF  34 1Hex 1       1 Ford only
22N/A01 Engine0106DChain Case Cover to Engine Plate (Willys only) 38 24 NF 1 1Hex 1       1 Willys only
23FM-25145-S203 Fuel0301CClamp - air horn to carb #10 32 NF 1 1round head mach.screw 1          
24FM-355130-S703 Fuel0304Clip to fender splasher & clip to dash #10 24   12 2round head mach.screwcad plated2       2  
25FM-24430-S01 Engine0109CClutch housing to bracket 38 24 NF 18 3Hex 3       3  
26FM-24489-S01 Engine0109CClutch housing to bracket at E brake cable clip 38 24 NF 58 1Hex 1       1  
27FM-24308-S01 Engine0109CClutch inspect plate on housing 14 20 NC  12 2Hex        2  
28FM-355476-S02 Clutch0201BClutch to flywheel 516 18 NC 116 6Hex        6  
29FM-2149214 Steering1405Column Clamp 516 24 NF 2 1Hex 1       1  
30FM-24347-S214 Steering1405Column Clamp to Dash - Ford : pointed bolt 516 24 NF  34 2Hex 2       2  
31 18 Body1802ACowl pillars to floor 38 16 NC 58 2Hex 2    4  2 No Ford ref for this bolt in SNL
32 06 Electrical0602Cranking motor bracket to engine block 38 16 NC  78 1Hex        1  
33FM-24428-S06 Electrical0602Cranking motor on bell housing - Ford : pointed bolt 38 16 NC 14 2Hex        2  
34FM-GPW-634501 Engine0102Crankshaft Bearing Cap to Crankcase 12 13 NC 38 6Hex           
35FM-36868-S218 Body1804Crash pads 14 20   34 8round head mach.screw        8  
36N/A15 Frame1500Cross Members to Frame 38 24 NF  78 6Hex 6    2  6  
37FM-20389-S15 Frame1500Cross Members to Frame 38 24 NF 1 6Hex 6    2  6  
38FM-20308-S206 Electrical0603Distributor to Block 14 20 NC  58 1Hex     1  1  
39FM-20346-S218 Body1804Drivers Seat to Floor Pan 516 18 NC  34 2Hex 2    2  2 Ford :floor captive nuts, recessed-head bolts
40FM--24407-S18 Body1804Drivers Seat to Wheel House Top Panel 516 24 NF 18 1Hex     1  1  
41FM-355352-S712 Brakes1201E Brake Band Bracket 14 20 NC 34 1Hexcad plated1       1 External band E brake only
42FM-24347-S212 Brakes1201E Brake Bracket to Support under dash 516 24 NF  34 2Hex 2    2  2  
43FM-20308-S212 Brakes1201E Brake Cable Clamp at Bellhousing 14 20 NF  12 1Hex        1  
44FM-20367-S712 Brakes1201E Brake Cable Clamp at T Case Bearing Cap 516 24 NF  78 2Hexcad plated1       2  
45FM-355551-S12 Brakes1201E Brake Drum 38 24 NF 18 4Hex 4       4  
46FM-24407-S04 Exhaust0402Exhaust pipe to muffler 516 24 NF 18 1Hex 1    1  1 Willys nuts are seez proof type
47FM-23498-S204 Exhaust0401Exhaust silent block to body floor 516 18 NC 34 1carriage, sq nk rd-hd 1       1SNL G503 Feb 1945 
48FM-20346-S204 Exhaust0402Exhaust tube clamp on skid plate - front 516 18 NC  34 1Hex 1    1  1SNL G503 Feb 1945 
49FM-23393-S204 Exhaust0402Exhaust tube clamp on skid plate - rear 516 18 NC  78 1carriage, sq nk rd-hd 1    1  1SNL G503 Feb 1945 
50FM-26498-S224 Fire Exting.2402Extinguisher support to body side#12 24 NF  58 6round head mach.screw 6       6  
51FM-20324-S205 Cooling0503AFan to Pulley 14 20 NC  58 4Hex        4  
52FM-24449-S217 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1701Fender Brace to Frame - Ford : pointed bolt 38 24 NF 38 4Hex     4  4  
53FM-20046-S217 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1701Fender to Cowl - Ford : pointed bolt              10  int ext tooth cad pltd washers
54FM-20046-S217 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1701Fender to Cowl - Ford : pointed bolt 516 18 NC  34 8Hex 2    8  8 ext tooth shkproof washers
55FM-24429-S704 Exhaust0402Flange to Manifold 38 24 NF 14 1Hex        1 Willys nuts are seez proof type
56 18 Body1802AFloor riser to frame 38 16 NC 14 2Hex 2         No Ford ref for this bolt in SNL
57FM-20346-S218 Body1802AFoot Rest to Floor Pan - Rear 516 18 NC  34 4Hex     4  4 floor captive nuts on Ford, one bolt hold harness clip - left side
58FM-20326-S218 Body1802AFoot Rest to Wheel House Panel - Rear 516 18 NC  58 4Hex     4  4 panel captive nuts on Ford
59FM-27068-S18 Body1802AFootman loops hole plug caps (to lefts side panel)#10 24 NC  38 2fillister head screw           
60FM-GPW-355837-S218 Body1800AFootman loops on body #10 24 NF  12 30flat head 90° 30       30 threaded backing plates on Ford
61FM-353352-S12 Brakes1203Front brake plate to steering knuckle 38 24 NF  34 12Hex        12  
62FM-355456-S21 Bumpers2101Front Bumper Bar to Frame 516 24 NF 12 4Hex 4       4  
63FM-355554-S08 Trans/Transf0801Front Cap to Case 38 16 NC 1 5Hex head dld f/c. pin          drilled head for steel wire
64FM-GP 111010 Front Axle1007Front Drive Shaft U Joint Flanges 38 16 NC 12 12Hex        12  
65FM-24427-S701 Engine0110Front engine insulator to frame (Ford only)-pointed bolt 516 24 NF 14 4Hexcad plated4       4SNL G503 Feb 1945 
66N/A01 Engine0110Front engine insulator to frame (Willys only) 516 24 NF 1 4Hex 4       4SNL G503 Feb 1945 
67 18 Body1802AFront floor pan - thru front cross sills to frame brackets 38 16 NC 2 2Hex 2    4  2 No Ford ref for this bolt in SNL
68FM-20514-S218 Body1802AFront floor pan - thru left front cross sill 38 16 NC 34 2Hex 2    4  2  
69FM-20344-S203 Fuel0300Front Fuel Tank Hold Down to Floor Pan - Ford : pointed bolt 14 20 NC  58 2Hexparkerized       2  
70FM-3292403 Fuel0304Fuel line clip to cross sill#10    58 3binding head screw          round head sheet metal screw
71FM-20366-S203 Fuel0302AFuel pump on engine block 516 18 NC  78 2Hex        2  
72FM-24389-S203 Fuel0306BFuel Strainer to Dash - Ford : pointed bolt 38 24 NF 1 2Hex        2 SNL mention length 1/2 (too short)
73FM-24505-S703 Fuel0300Fuel Tank Hold Down Clamp 516 24 NF 34 2Hexcad plated2         PAL nut Willys only
74FM-24308-S203 Fuel0300Fuel Tank Shield (Drivers Seat) to Floor 14 20 NC  12 3Hexparkerized3    3  3  
75FM-20386-S714 Steering1403AGear Housing Side Cover 516 18 NC 1 4Hex        4  
76FM-24555-S14 Steering1403AGear Housing to Frame 716 20 NF 3 2Hex 2       2  
77FM-355433-S214 Steering1403AGear Housing to Frame 716 20 NF 34 1Hex 1    1  1  
78FM-355426-S14 Steering1403AGear Housing Upper Cover 516 18 NC  34 3Hex        3  
79FM-20344-S218 Body1803Gear Shift Lever Housing Cover Ring 14 20 NC  34 1Hex           
80FM-32866-S218 Body1803Gear Shift Lever Housing Cover Ring #10   58 1binding head screw           
81FM-24430-S08 Trans/Transf0109CGearbox on bell housing 14 NC 14 4Hex           
82FM-20366-S08 Trans/Transf0706AGearshift lever housing 516 18 NC  34 4Hex        4  
83FM-24409-S706 Electrical0601AGenerator Brace - Adjusting Guide 38 24 NF 18 1Hexcad plated1    1  1  
84FM-GPW-1017606 Electrical0601AGenerator Brace - Pivot 38 24 NF  78 1Hex, sp.           
85FM-24426-S206 Electrical0601AGenerator Brace to generator 516 18 NC 14 1Hex 1         cad plated lock washer
86FM-35545506 Electrical0601AGenerator Support Isolator 516 24 NF  2932 2Hex, sp. 2         cad plated lock washers, bond No7
87FM-355496-S06 Electrical0601AGenerator Support to Block 38 16 NC  78 2Hex        2  
88FM-355158-S218 Body1809AGlove compartment door hinge 24 NF  38 3round head mach.screw 3       3  
89FM-355158-S218 Body1809AGlove compartment door striker 24 NF  38 3round head mach.screw 1       1  
90FM-20326-S221 Bumpers2103Grille to Fender 516 18 NC  58 6Hex 6    6  6 4 captive nuts on Ford grille
91 22 Misc Body2103Grille to frame 38 16 NC  78 3Hex 3    3  3 No Ford ref in SNL
92FM-92047-S12 Brakes1201Hand brake handle to tube#6    516 1rd head machbrass pltd          
93FM-20326-S218 Body1800AHandles to body 516 18 NC  58 16Hex 16       16  
94FM-355131-S06 Electrical0606BHarness clips on body (others)#10 24 NC  58 6round head mach.screw 6       6 for open clip 7/16" dia x 7/32" hole
95FM-355131-S06 Electrical0606BHarness clips on body (others)#10 24 NC  58 2round head mach.screw 2       2 for open clip 5/8" dia x 1/4" hole
96FM-355131-S06 Electrical0606BHarness clips under body floor#10 24 NC  58 11round head mach.screw 11       11 for open clip 5/16" dia x 7/32" hole
97FM-32866-S206 Electrical0606BHarness clips under body floor#10    58 1round head sheet metal screwparkerized         for open clip 5/16" dia x 7/32" hole
98FM-31866-S06 Electrical0606BHarness clips under body floor#10    58 1round head wood screw          for open clip 5/16" dia x 7/32" hole
99FM-20326-S206 Electrical0607Head Light Support Hinge to grille 516 18 NC  58 4Hex 4       4  
100FM-32852-S06 Electrical0607Headlight ground cable to bracket#10    38 2round head sheet metal screw           
101FM-20308-S7-817 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1704Hood Catch Bracket to Fender 14 20 NC  58 4Hex 4    4  4  
102FM-20308-S7-817 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1704Hood Catch Bracket to Hood 14 20 NC  58 4Hex 4    4  4 Part# 51514 not recessed (same as fan bolt)
103FM-20324-S217 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1704Hood hinge to cowl top 14 20 NC  58 5Hex     5  5  int ext tooth cad pltd washers : Willys only
104FM-2434417 Hood/Fenders/Aprons1704Hood hinge to cowl top 14 20 NC  34 2Hex     2  2  
105FM-24347-S206 Electrical0609Horn Bracket to Dash 516 24 NF  34 2Hex     2  2 need nuts for Willys - Ford has captive nuts
106FM-26457-S706 Electrical0609BHorn contact on steering tube#8 32 NF  14 2round head mach.screwcad plated2          
107FM-20325-S706 Electrical0609Horn to Bracket 14 28 NF  58 2Hexcad plated2       2  
108FM-20046-S211 Rear Axle1101Housing Cover 516 18 NC  34 10Hex        10  
109FM-20046-S210 Front Axle1001Housing Cover 516 18 NC  78 10Hex        10  
203FM-353055-S01 Engine Intake manifold Plug 14    2Sq Hdblack        SNL G503 Feb 1945non-script models?
204FM-33800-S701 Engine Intake manifold stud Nuts 38 24 NF  7Hexcad plated       5SNL G503 Feb 1945note: two special washers out of 7
110FM-24386-S201 Engine0108AIntake on exhaust manifold 516 18 NC 1 4Hex        4SNL G503 Feb 1945superceded by WO-51486 FM 20386-S7
111FM-20348-S218 Body1817AJerry Can Carrier to Rear Panel 38 16 NC  34 4Hex 4       4  
112FM-355131-S06 Electrical0606EJunction block 2 posts to fender#10 24 NC  58 4round head mach.screw 4       4  
113FM-355132-S06 Electrical0606EJunction block 6 posts to dash#10 24 NC  34 2round head mach.screw 2       2  
114FM-20328-S208 Trans/Transf0804Lock Plate 38 16 NC  58 1Hex           
115FM-20366-S08 Trans/Transf0703Main drive gear brg retainer 516 18 NC  78 3Hex        3  
116FM-24308-S218 Body1803Master brake cylinder inspection cover 14 20 NC  12 5Hex 5       5 Ford : recessed-head bolts
117FM-355398-S212 Brakes1205Master Cylinder to Bracket 516 18 NC 3 1Hex     1  1  
118FM-24387-S704 Exhaust0401Muffler Support Clamp 516 24 NF 1 1Hex 1    1  1SNL G503 Feb 1945Willys nuts are seez proof type
119FM-24367-S204 Exhaust0401Muffler Support Insulator 516 24 NF  78 3Hexwasher is cd-pltd3       3SNL G503 Feb 1945Willys nuts are seez proof type
120FM-26483-S723 Gen use parts 2301Oil can bracket to firewall 14 20 NC  12 2round head mach.screw 2       2 2 captive nuts on Ford firewall
121FM-GPW-18691-A01 Engine0107EOil Filter Cover 716 20 NF  1Hex         SNL G503 Feb 1945dia may differ with filter make
122FM-24347-S201 Engine0107FOil filter support to bracket - Ford : pointed bolt 516 24 NF  34 4Hexwashers- cad plated    4  4SNL G503 Feb 1945 
123FM-355396-S01 Engine0107A-1Oil Float Support to Crankcase 516 18 NC  34 2Hexwashers- cad plated       2SNL G503 Feb 1945 
124FM-355158-S201 Engine0107JOil gauge tube clip to dash#10 24 NC  38 1round head mach.screw        1  
125FM-355403-S201 Engine0107AOil Pan to cylinder block (Ford only) 516 18 NC  1116 20Hex        20SNL G503 Feb 1945length 11/16 Ford only, recessed-head
126N/A01 Engine0107AOil Pan to cylinder block (Willys only) 516 18 NC  58 20Hex        20SNL G503 Feb 1945Willys only
127FM-20346-S218 Body1804Passenger Seat to Floor Pan 516 18 NC  34 2Hex 2    2  2 Ford :floor captive nuts, recessed-head bolts
128FM-24505-S702 Clutch0204Pedal Clamp 516 24 NF 34 1Hexcad plated1       1  
129FM-24327-S202 Clutch0204APedal Linkage Bracket to Frame 516 24 NF  58 2Hex 2       2  
130FM-24411-S15 Frame1502Pintle Hook to Frame 716 20 NF 18 4Hex 4       4 2 bolts after W serial 158372
131 18 Body1802ARear body panel 516 18 NC 58 2Hex 2    4    No Ford ref for this bolt in SNL
132FM-355578-S12 Brakes1203Rear brake plate to housing 38 24 NF  1316 12Hex 12          
133FM-355554-S08 Trans/Transf0801Rear Cap to Case 38 16 NC 1 1Hex head dld f/c. pin          drilled head for steel wire
134FM-35553308 Trans/Transf0801Rear Cap to Case 38 16 NC 2 3Hex head dld f/c. pin          drilled head for steel wire
135FM-GP 111011 Rear Axle1102Rear Drive Shaft Bolt 38 16 NC 12 12Hex        12  
136FM-24328-S201 Engine0110Rear Engine Mount Bracket to Transmission 38 16 NC  58 3Hex        3  
137FM-24348-S01 Engine0110Rear Engine Mount Bracket to Transmission 38 16 NC  34 1Hex        1SNL G503 Feb 1945 
138FM-20514-S218 Body1802ARear floor pan to frame - left side 38 16 NC 1 1Hex 1    1    cad plated lockwashers
139 18 Body1802ARear floor pan to frame - right side 38 16 NC 2 1Hex 1    1    No Ford ref for this bolt in SNL
140FM-36931-S206 Electrical0608Rear lights doors#8 32 NF 14 4round head mach.screw           
141FM-36845-S222 Misc Body2202Rear mirror bracket to body#12 24 NF  58 6round head mach.screw 6       6  
142FM-20308-S218 Body1804Rear Seat Pivot Tube Retainer 14 20 NC  12 2Hex 2       2 panel captive nuts on Ford
143FM-20308-S218 Body1804Rear Seat Retaining Spring to Wheel House 14 20 NC  12 4Hex 4       4 panel captive nuts on Ford
144FM-36825-S22 Misc Body2203AReflectors to body 14 28 NF  12 8round head mach.screw 8       8  
145FM-24427-S706 Electrical0601BRegulator to right fender - Ford : pointed bolt 516 24 NF 14 4Hexcad plated    4  4  
146FM-355569-S218 Body1804Safety strap anchor bolt 38 16 NC  2Hex/sp 2       2 special bolt
147FM-2442602 Clutch0204Shank to Pedal 516 18 NC 14 2Hex        2  
148FM-33797-S223 Gen use parts 2301AShovel bracket 516 18 NC  58 2flat head 90° 2    2  2  
149FM-04 Exhaust0402Skid plate on crossbeam 38 16 NC  78 4carriage, sq nk  4    4    SNL mention Willys only
205FM-23395-S15 Frame1500Skid Plate to Frame Crossmember 38 16 NF  78 4Carriage Bolt 4    4  4SNL Feb 45 
150 15 Frame1505Spare tire support bracket to rear panel 38 16 NC  78 2Hex 2    2  2  
151FM-20326-S715 Frame1505Spare wheel bracket to rear panel 516 18 NC  58 2Hexcad plated2       2SNL G503 Feb 1945 
152FM-20406-S15 Frame1505Spare wheel bracket to rear panel 516 18 NC 14 2Hex 2       2SNL G503 Feb 1945 
153FM-24347-S215 Frame1601BSpring Bumber to frame 516 24   34 8Hex 8       8  
154FM-355449-S01 Engine0106CSprocket to Camshaft 38 24 NF 14 4Hex        4SNL G503 Feb 1945 
155FM-20309-S706 Electrical0606Starter Switch to Floor 14 28 NF  12 2Hexcad plated2       2  
156FM-32924-S7-818 Body1803Steering column floor seal ring#10    12 4binding head screw           
157FM-24327-S210 Front Axle1006Steering knuckle oil seal (half) 516 24 NF  58 16Hex        16  
158FM-355526-S10 Front Axle1006Stop Screw 38 24 NF 116 2Hex 2         nut is counter nut
159FM-20326-S708 Trans/Transf0801T case bottom cover 516 18 NC  58 10Hex        10  
160FM-24348-S08 Trans/Transf0801T case rear cover 38 16 NC  34 5Hex        5  
161FM-33795-S706 Electrical0608Tail lights on body brackets - nuts 14 20 NC   Hex cad plated4          
162FM-24407-S04 Exhaust0401Tail Pipe Support Clamp 516 24 NF 18 1Hex     1     
163FM-355095-S703 Fuel0300ATank gauge unit to tank#8 32 NF  38 5round head mach.screwcad plated       5  
164FM-355162-S203 Fuel0303Throttle pedal on body floor#10 24 NF  12 2flat head 90°cad plated2       2  
165FM-20046-S12 Brakes1205Tie Bar and Shield to Master Cylinder 516 18 NC  34 1Hex 1       1  
166FM-355444-S12 Brakes1205Tie Bar and Shield to Master Cylinder 516 24 NF 3 1Hex        1  
167FM-24916-S214 Steering1402Tie Rod Clamp 38 24 NF 58 4Hex 4       4  
168FM-26147-S701 Engine0109CTiming hole cover to housing 14 20 NC  38 1round head mach.screwcad plated1       1SNL G503 Feb 1945 
169FM-355498-S718 Body1802AToe Board Gusset to Frame 38 24 NF  34 2Hexcad plated2       4 2 int tooth & 2 int/ext tooth lockwash.
170 18 Body1817Tool compartment lid #10 24 NF  38 6round head mach.screw 6       6 No Ford ref in SNL
171 18 Body1817Tool compartment lid lock#10 24 NF  38 4round head mach.screw 4       4 No Ford ref in SNL
172FM-24310-S22 Misc Body2201ATop Bow Bracket Front 516 18 NC  12 2Hex 2       2 2nd bolt takes safety strap anchor brkt
173FM-20326-S222 Misc Body2201ATop Bow Pivot Bracket to body side 516 18 NC  58 2Hex 2       2  
174FM-24650-S222 Misc Body2201ATop Bow Pivot Bracket to body side 516 18 NC  58 4flat head 90° 4       4  
175FM-20328-S222 Misc Body2201ATop Bow Pivot to bracket 38 16 NC  58 2Hex     2  2  
178FM-20364-S706 Electrical0606FTrailer Socket to body (Ford only) 14 28 NF  78 4Hexcad plated4          + 4 wash int/ext tooth, cad pltd
176N/A06 Electrical0606FTrailer Socket to body - long (Willys only) 14 28 NF 1 2Hexcad plated2          + 2 wash int/ext tooth, cad pltd
177N/A06 Electrical0606FTrailer Socket to body - short (Willys only) 14 28 NF  34 2Hexcad plated2          + 2 wash int/ext tooth, cad pltd
179FM-355741-S08 Trans/Transf0809Transfer Case Support 12 20 NF 3 1Hex 1       1  
180FM-24408-S708 Trans/Transf0809Transfer Case to Transmission 38 16 NC 18 5Hex        5  
181FM-24308-S218 Body1803Transmission (Floor) Cover 14 20 NC  12 7Hex        7 Ford : recessed-head bolts
182FM-20344-S218 Body1803Transmission lever grommet ring 14 20 NC  34 2Hex           
183FM-32866-S718 Body1803Transmission lever grommet ring#10    58 3binding head screw           
184FM-20384-S212 Brakes1209CTube Tee to Rear Axle 14 20 NC  12 1Hex 1       1 Ford only
185N/A12 Brakes1209CTube Tee to Rear Axle 14 20 NC  12 2Hex        2 Willys only
201FM-355452-S01 Engine Valve Cover to Engine Block 516 18 NC 3.0625 1Hex         SNL G503 Feb 1945Gasket washer
202FM-355451-S01 Engine Valve Cover to Engine Block through vent 516 18 NC 4.125 1Hex         SNL G503 Feb 1945Gasket washer
186FM-24408-S01 Engine0101AWater elbow on head - Ford : pointed bolt 38 16 NC 18 3Hex        3SNL G503 Feb 1945 
187FM-20366-S05 Cooling0503Water Pump to Block 516 18 NC  78 3Hex        3  
188FM- 355442-S05 Cooling0503Water Pump to Block 516 18 NC 2.5 1Hex        1  
189FM-20300-S712 Brakes1207Wheel cylinder to backing plate 14 20 NC  38 8Hexcad plated         washers black oxide
190FM-81W-81118918 Body1811Windshield adjusting arm pivot 14 28 NF  4round head mach.screw           
199FM-18 Body1811Windshield Bottom Seal#10    12 15Pan Head Standard           
191FM-33249-S218 Body1811Windshield bracket screw#10    12 4oval ctrsk-hd          type Z
200FM-18 Body1811Windshield capstand studs#10 32   12Capstand studs            
192FM-20308-S7-818 Body1811Windshield Catch Retainer to Hood 14 20 NC  58 4Hex 4    4  4 Part# 51514 not recessed (same as fan bolt)
193FM-20324-S218 Body1811Windshield Catch to Hood 14 20 NC  58 4Hex 4    4  4 Part# 51514 not recessed (same as fan bolt)
194FM-24454-S218 Body1811Windshield Clamp Bracket 14 20 NC 716 4Hex           
195FM-38192-S218 Body1811Windshield frame corner screw#8 32 NF  716 4round head mach.screw          special head
196FM-38259-S218 Body1811Windshield frame screw#10 32 NF  78 4round head mach.screw          special head
197FM-36046-S218 Body1811Windshield mouting clamp catch bracket 14 20 NC  34 4flat head 90°           
198FM-355449-S218 Body1811Windshield Pivot Bracket to Cowl 516 18 NC  58 4Hex 4       4  

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