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G503 WWII 1945 Ford GPW Jeep Fuel Line Routing (Late)

This article shows the proper 1945 Ford GPW fuel line routing

This article applies to Ford GPW WWII Military Jeeps 

1. The fuel line routing for later model WWII jeeps changed in the late 1945 models. The change in design took the fuel strainer off the firewall, and placed a fuel filter into the fuel tank. Thus, the later model WWII Jeep fuel line will go from the fuel pump straight back to the fuel tank following the frame.

Here you see the fuel line connection from pump to the driver fender and clip.

2. Your fuel line will follow the frame and go inside the tub cowl and will be held on by a clip on the cowl as shown here.

3. Next, as you send your fuel line down the path of the frame, be sure that your line hugs the tub and go over the clutch/brake lever. Here you see the clip that is attached to the tub channel.

Your fuel line is now ready to connect to the fuel tank through the opening in the tub.

4. Optional Mod: Many Hobbyists will place a fuel filter on their fuel lines, usually around the fuel pump or carburetor for everyone to see. Here you see a nice, small, clear, fuel filter that is tucked away out of sight.

Napa sells this FIL 3011 filter for about $4.

To replace this filter while fuel is in the tank... take a 5/16in bolt, and when you pull the fuel line out, push the bolt into the line and tighten the clamp around the bolt.

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